Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wedding Ceremony

The wedding day finally arrived on Thursday, October 30th. Matt & Cheyenne were married at Celebration Pointe Reception Center in the late afternoon. Although my photography skills pail in comparison to those of the Brooke's on each side of the family (niece on my side, sister-in-law on Bart's), hopefully their passable. The ceremony was beautiful. The officiator and Matt arrived first.

Followed by the Best Man, Matt's dad Bart, and the Maid of Honor, Cheyenne's sister Casey, who lit the tapers for the unity candle.

Matt's friend Kris also stood for him on the groom's side, with Jordan doing the honors of a bridesmaid.

Matt and Cheyenne's son, Owen, came next as the ring bearer...

...and promptly through the ring pillow when he arrived with the rest of the men.

Cheyenne's father, Jon, walked her down the aisle.

I missed the flower girl, Cheyenne's niece Piper, coming down the aisle, but did get the brides side after they were all lined up.

The bride and groom were beautiful and handsome respectively.

The unity candle was lit.

Vows and rings were exchanged.

And a new life began...

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Those were good pictures of the wedding, it was nice. We were happy to be able to be there.